McDonald’s would have to be the most famous business in the world for its cross-selling techniques, and it nets millions. Before you say “Well, it would never work with my customers!” consider these ideas for making cross-selling work for you.
- With your team, write a list of all of your products and services. Now look at each item on your list and identify what complements each different product or service. Make a commitment as a team to suggest these complementary products or services each time you’re dealing with a customer.
- Would you believe the biggest seller for McDonalds is their Happy Meal? This takes cross-selling to the next level by packaging 2 or more products into one ‘offer’. With the list you created earlier, consider ideas for ‘packaging’ complementary products and services together at a special offer price. This will help increase the average spend of your customers.
The only thing left to do now is to tell people about your newest product offerings.